Jean Hudson

Online Catalogue | HARP SHEET MUSIC |  Jean Hudson

Sheet Music: Jean Hudson

Music TheoryMusic Theory Ref: SM033
Music Theory for the Young Harp Player by Jean Hudson

Music Theory for the Young Harp Player is a theory book with a difference, written specifically for Key Stage 2 pupils who are learning to play the harp. The approach is practical, covering the requirements of at least Grades 1 & 2 of the Associated Board of Music. The pupil is encouraged to learn music theory in a meaningful way. Concepts are systematically introduced and carefully re-enforced with exercises and games. Whilst considering the different types of harps and their history, the young player is introduced to the exciting world of the harp.

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100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £14.95


Music of the English Renaissance for the Small HarpMusic of the English Renaissance for the Small Harp Ref: SM034
Jean Hudson

The music that I have selected for arrangement is best understood in the context of the society in which it was written. The pieces date from the late 16th Century to the early 17th Century. This period is generally refered to as the late Renaissance. Scholars regard the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe from the 14th Century when new ideas in the arts flowered and spread, finding their way via the courts into English society. The Court was the main point of contact with Renaissance ideas from abroad. It was the nerve centre of society, government and cultural life.

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100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £9.00


Jean Hudson
Jean Hudson who was born in Manchester is a performer and teacher on the traditional gut strung harp. As a child she received a classical, musical education, studying the piano and later the organ.

After leaving university, where she gained a degree in geography and geology and a teaching qualification in music, she became a teacher. She has many pupils and is much in demand as a teacher running workshops all over the country. Jean is also involved in raising the awareness of the harp in Derbyshire and has organised a number of highly successful workshops and concerts.

Her first book of arrangements of English Renaissance pieces for the small harp was published in 2002. She is at present working on arrangements for a group of dances dating from around 1500 which were found amongst the family papers of one of the ancient families of Derbyshire.

Online Catalogue | HARP SHEET MUSIC |  Jean Hudson

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