Edmar Castaneda

Online Catalogue | HARP CDs |  Edmar Castaneda


Entre CuerdasEntre Cuerdas Ref: A0408
Edmar Castaneda
"I always wondered: Why do I play the Harp? Now I know that God created music to do his will and that I was gifted with this instrument not only to play it but to show the beauty of his creation. Thank you God for making me part of your plans!" Edmar Castaneda.
Also featuring: Marshall Gilkes - trombone, Dave Silliman - Drums/Percussion, John Scofield - Guitar, Andrea Tierra - Canto, Joe Locke - Vipes, Samuel Torres - Cajon
Click cover for track listing.

More info & audio samples at www.creightonscollection.co.uk

Price: £14.00


Double PortionDouble Portion Ref: A0539
Edmar Castaneda
"... and so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours." Isaiah 6 1:7. Thank God for your "Double Portion." Following you makes a difference in my life - Edmar Castaneda
Special guests: Gonzalo Rubalcaba - piano, Miguel Zenon - Alto Sax, Hamilton de Holanda - Mondolina
Click cover for track listing.

More info & audio samples at www.creightonscollection.co.uk

Price: £14.00


Online Catalogue | HARP CDs |  Edmar Castaneda

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