The Duplets

Online Catalogue | HARP CDs |  The Duplets


LeverageLeverage Ref: A0535
The Duplets: Gillian Fleetwood and Fraya Thomsen
"Leverage alludes to the power that every artist has; to have their voice heard amongst the crowd. Formed within beauty or mystique an artist can tell a story or air a view. We take inspiration from Burns’ socialist words in “A Man’s a man for a’ That”, a tough message to deliver, but here, Burns is far from crude." The Duplets
Click cover for track listing.

More info & audio samples at

Price: £12.00


Tree of StringsTree of Strings Ref: A0355
The Duplets: Gillian Fleetwood and Fraya Thomsen
With two Scottish harps intertwined, The Duplets are hailed as “leading lights of Scottish music”. Gillian Fleetwood and Fraya Thomsen “sing and play old and new music with imagination.”– Norman Chalmers. In the title track on their debut album ‘Tree of Strings’ they “entrance with their poise and beauty.”- Delyth Jenkins.
Click cover for track listing.

More info & audio samples at

Price: £12.00


Sheet Music

Click here for sheet music by Fraya Thomsen

Online Catalogue | HARP CDs |  The Duplets

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