Anna Dunwoodie

Online Catalogue | HARP SHEET MUSIC |  Anna Dunwoodie

Sheet Music: Anna Dunwoodie

From the Land of the Long White CloudFrom the Land of the Long White Cloud Ref: SM549
6 Solos for Intermediate Lever Harp - Volume 1
Anna Dunwoodie

Most of my compositions have a story behind them….. and these are no exception! Giving a title, or a story to a composition is, for me, to make up for a lack of lyrics, and it’s rare for me to sit and play these tunes without conjuring up the reason for the title, and the fun times that happen behind the music ......
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100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £8.00


From the Land of the Long White CloudFrom the Land of the Long White Cloud Ref: SM550
6 Solos for Intermediate Lever Harp - Volume 2
Anna Dunwoodie

Most of my compositions have a story behind them….. and these are no exception! Giving a title, or a story to a composition is, for me, to make up for a lack of lyrics, and it’s rare for me to sit and play these tunes without conjuring up the reason for the title, and the fun times that happen behind the music ......
Click cover for tune list
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £8.00


From the Land of the Long White CloudFrom the Land of the Long White Cloud Ref: SM551
6 Solos for Intermediate Lever Harp - Volume 3
Anna Dunwoodie

Most of my compositions have a story behind them….. and these are no exception! Giving a title, or a story to a composition is, for me, to make up for a lack of lyrics, and it’s rare for me to sit and play these tunes without conjuring up the reason for the title, and the fun times that happen behind the music ......
Click cover for tune list
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £8.00


From the Land of the Long White CloudFrom the Land of the Long White Cloud Ref: SM552
6 Solos for Intermediate Lever Harp - Volume 4
Anna Dunwoodie

Most of my compositions have a story behind them….. and these are no exception! Giving a title, or a story to a composition is, for me, to make up for a lack of lyrics, and it’s rare for me to sit and play these tunes without conjuring up the reason for the title, and the fun times that happen behind the music ......
Click cover for tune list
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £8.00


Sightreading for Harp Book OneSightreading for Harp Book One Ref: SM484
Anna Dunwoodie & Lisa Williamson
A resource book designed for student harpists by two teachers to give beginning students practice in sight-reading. These exercises are all original compositions, and can be easily taught or practiced on a daily basis. The 250 four and eightmeasure exercises are divided into four sections, progressing from very easy exercises to more advanced, with quarter notes being the shortest note. With a few exceptions, chords are not used. This book is suitable for lever and pedal harp, however there are frequent key signature changes from exercise to exercise. A must for every teacher to include in conditioning, and nurturing the young harpist! 50 pages.
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £15.00


Sightreading for Harp Book TwoSightreading for Harp Book Two Ref: SM485
Anna Dunwoodie & Lisa Williamson
Sight-Reading Book Two is approximately grades 3-5 progressively getting harder. The examples in this book have been written so lever harps have to set a lever (in about half of the examples) at the beginning and pedal harpist will have to change a pedal somewhere through it. We've achieved this by writing the accidental only in one octave and using it as a natural in the rest. By the end of the book they should be confidently playing in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 3/8 and 6/8, from 3 flats to 4 sharps, 3 note chords, all rhythms including all dotted notes and runs of 4 semiquavers and a wide range of dynamics, articulation and tempo marking. The first half of the exercises are only 8 bars long progressing to 16 bars for the last 25 or 30 examples! So there are 180 exercises in total! 97 pages.
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £20.00


Sightreading for Harp Book Three - Lever HarpSightreading for Harp Book Three - Lever Harp Ref: SM486
Anna Dunwoodie & Lisa Williamson
Sight-Reading Book Three contains exercises at approximately grades 6, 7 and 8 levels. Each book contains 90 exercises; these are based on the same material but altered to suit the different requirements of each instrument. The exercises demand technical skills as expected at this level such as etouffes, 4-fingered arpeggios, glissando, polyrhythms, pres de la table, xylophonics, harmonics, lever changes and slides and increasingly difficult pedal changes and pedal slides. The use of mixed meter, irregular beat divisions, and a wide range of tonality including bitonal, whole tonal, atonal and modal music gives variety to the exercises which increase in length throughout the book. As in the previous books, the lever and pedal pre-settings are indicated at the start of each exercise and there are explanatory notes for some of the technique. In an effort to move the music from the realm of an exercise into real music, some of the exercises have titles and become short programmatic pieces. 82 pages.
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

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Price: £20.00


Sightreading for Harp Book Three - Pedal HarpSightreading for Harp Book Three - Pedal Harp Ref: SM487
Anna Dunwoodie & Lisa Williamson
Sight-Reading Book Three contains exercises at approximately grades 6, 7 and 8 levels. Each book contains 90 exercises; these are based on the same material but altered to suit the different requirements of each instrument. The exercises demand technical skills as expected at this level such as etouffes, 4-fingered arpeggios, glissando, polyrhythms, pres de la table, xylophonics, harmonics, lever changes and slides and increasingly difficult pedal changes and pedal slides. The use of mixed meter, irregular beat divisions, and a wide range of tonality including bitonal, whole tonal, atonal and modal music gives variety to the exercises which increase in length throughout the book. As in the previous books, the lever and pedal pre-settings are indicated at the start of each exercise and there are explanatory notes for some of the technique. In an effort to move the music from the realm of an exercise into real music, some of the exercises have titles and become short programmatic pieces. 86 pages.
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection)

View more info at

Price: £20.00


Online Catalogue | HARP SHEET MUSIC |  Anna Dunwoodie

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