First Steps
First Steps  Ref: SM0130
A brief guide to reading music
Tuning your clarsach
Obair Latha (Karen Marshalsay) a first tune
Fixed positions, damping and the C major scale
Fixed position exercise
Uamh 'n Oir (Trad Gaelic)
Dh'fhalbh an Triùir Mhaighdeanan (Trad Gaelic)
Olaf's Reel (Karen Marshalsay)
1s and 0s / Thinking about rhythm (Obair Latha)
Coupled Hands Technique
Queen Mary, Queen Mary (Trad Scots)
Thig am Bàta (Trad Gaelic)
Saky Saky Pirn Taes (Trad Scots)
Hishie Ba (Trad Scots)
The Three-Legged Clàrsach (Karen Marshalsay)
The Owls of Alnwick Castle (Karen Marshalsay)
using the thumb choke, half scratch,
bee’s plait and break.
The Robert ap Huw manuscript
Edward Bunting
Sources of Scottish repertoire and further study