Sounding Harps Book Three
Sounding Harps Book Three  Ref: UM0909

1. The Wild Colt
2. Madam Cole
ABRSM Grade 5 List A Item 10 (choice No. 2 or No.12)

3. Cáit Ní Dhuibhir (Kitty O’Dwyer)
4. The Ship in full sail
5. An Seanduine dóite (The withered old man)
6. An Réilteann leanbhach (The beautiful artless woman)
7. The Plains of Boyle (Magh Luirg)
8. Bean dubh a’ ghleanna (The dark woman of the glen)
ABRSM Grade 6 List A Item 1

9. Garret Barry’s Jig
10. Na Géanna Fiáine (The Wild Geese)
11. The Road to Ballymac
12. Lady Dillon
TRINITY Non Pedal Harp Grade 6
ABRSM Grade 5 List A Item 10 (choice No. 2 or No.12)

13. Planxty Johnston
TRINITY Non Pedal Harp Grade 7
ABRSM Grade 6 List B Item 5

14. Queen of the West
15. Baltiorum
16. Morgan Magan
17. The Boys of Bluehill
18. Three Sea Captains
19. Dún do shúile (Close your eyes)
20. An Buachaill caol dubh (The dark slender boy)